FARC-EP Insists in Necessity of Constituent Assembly

Farc-eoThe Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People”s Army (FARC-EP) work to present a comprehensive view of the design of the National Constituent Assembly they propose, its member, Andrew Paris, said here. In an interview with Prensa Latina, Paris, a member of the rebel delegation to the peace talks with the Colombian government, considered evident that the Constituent Assembly takes again strength and vigor in the current situation.

The guerrilla team has insisted in the need to convene a National Constituent Assembly, and has described it as “key to peace,” a proposal that the administration of President Juan Manuel Santos has rejected.

According to Paris, the Constituent Assembly will be the alternative with which the current government or the successor must boast to the prospect of changes and transformations. He reiterated that the guerrilla has unilaterally rejected the referendum the government has planned, and recalled that initiative has not been consulted with the FARC-EP in the negotiation talks taking place in Cuba.

Both delegations, who are leading the peace talks in Havana since November 2012, began last month seeking solutions to the problem of illegal drugs, after reaching agreements on issues such as agricultural development and political participation.


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