Colombian police seize ambulance trafficking 200kg of cocaine


Police in central Colombia on Tuesday seized 214 kilograms of cocaine from an ambulance that was traveling from the south of the country to the Caribbean coast.

The ambulance had evaded check-points due to the emblems displaying Medical Mission as they made their way from the southern province of Putumayo to the port of Cartagena with the drug concealed in the roof of the vehicle, confirmed the Director of the National Police, General Rodolfo Palomino.

Police intercepted the vehicle at a checkpoint in the central province of Santander finding the cocaine with an estimated street value of $6 million.

Surgeon Edgardo Fugueroa, a Green Alliance candidate for mayor in the Putumayo municipality of Puerto Caicedo, was accompanied a team disguised as a patient, a uniformed driver and two female nurses.

Palomino reported that the drug belonged to the 32nd and 48th Fronts of the FARC in Putumayo that allegedly worked with the neo-paramilitary unit “Constru” in the selling of narcotics.


Policía incautó 214 kilos de cocaína en una ambulancia (El Tiempo)

En ambulancia de Putumayo transportaban 214 kilos de cocaína (El Tiempo)

Capturan a cinco falsos médicos con 214 kilos de cocaína en Santander (El Espectador)

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