Colombian Fury at Miniskirt Rape Remarks

_71136830_148336625A Colombian nightclub owner has suggested a woman allegedly raped outside his club may have invited the attack by wearing a miniskirt.

Andres Jaramillo, owner of Andres Carne de Res, openly questioned whether or not the rape occurred because of the alleged victim’s attire in a radio interview on Tuesday. He also mentioned that the 20-year-old was wearing a mini skirt, which angered many on social media including leaders of women’s rights groups.

Jaramillo has since apologized for his remarks, but not before women’s rights groups took to social media to vent their fury.

They asked supporters to post pictures of themselves in miniskirts under the umbrella hashtag “#Yomepongounaminifaldayque” – “I wear a miniskirt – so what?” has been trending on Twitter

The social media response says much about Colombia’s ongoing struggle against sexual violence.


Source QColombia


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