Colombia Immigration Adjusts Procedures For Visas & Renewals Due To COVID-19

Colombia’s foreign ministry and immigration, Migración Colombia, recently modified some procedures for foreign nationals in Colombia during the Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic and the travel restrictions.

This new National Sanitary Emergency situation has forced us a change, by flexibilization in visa expirations providing visitors in Colombia the legal basis they need to adapt to the situation and plan their flights home.

Two recent resolutions, the first issued in March targeted to tourists having to extend their stay in the country due to the declared Covid19 National Sanitary Emergency, and in April the Foreign Affairs Ministry pronounced a hold on visa expirations.

In the first, Migration Colombia, said that tourist visas are extended until the sanitary emergency is over. Tourists in Colombia need not fear sanctions or legal status in the country.

Foreigners in Colombia can relax during the Coronavirus emergency.

Article 2, from the Visa Registration and Issuance of Immigration Certificate, says: It provisionally suspended the accounting of the time of validity of the extensions of permanence or Temporary Permits of Permanence, as of the date of this resolution, until May 30, 2020, or until the term established by the National Government for the health emergency is met.

Article 4, Of the Special Permission to Stay (PEP): The Special Administrative Unit for Migration Colombia will provisionally suspend the accounting of the time of absence for the cancellation of the Special Permits to Stay for the reason enshrined in number 4 of article 6 of Resolution 5797 of 2017, until May 30, 2020, or until the term established by the National Government for the health emergency is fulfilled.



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